蜜桃社区 SELPA
  • On January 11, 2017, at the regularly scheduled SBE meeting, the SBE unanimously accepted the CDE’s recommendation to approve the District’s request and granted a two year approval for the District to operate as a single-district SELPA, with conditions.

    All SELPAs have the same goal: to deliver high quality special education programs and services to students with disabilities in the most efficient and cost effective manner. In general, there are two types of SELPAs:

    ·         Multi-district SELPAs:  these SELPAs are comprised of multiple districts serving a region and assist with the management of special education services to the students from each district.

    ·         Single-district SELPAs:  A single-district SELPA generally operate within its administrative structure and manages all of the district's special education programs and student needs.